Register: Registered under Co-operative Societies Act as Guru Nanak Institute of
Management Studies Alumni Welfare Association (GAWA).
Objectives of the Alumni Association
To establish, to maintain and to strengthen the interaction between the institute and its ex-students and ex-teachers.
To foster and promote the feeling of brotherhood and friendship among the ex-students of the institute.
To suggest, to secure and to promote the interests of the institute and to initiate such activities that promote the best interest of the institute and its students.
To offer mentoring, grooming and industry required training for the present students to enhance their employability.
To conduct relevant conferences, convocations, workshops, seminars for the members on various subjects that promote the interest of the institute.
To arrange programme in assistance with other social and charitable institutions sharing common objectives for the benefit of members.
To take all such steps as may be necessary for the fulfillment of the AIMS and the OBJECTIVES laid down herein above.