Campus Recruitment (IIFL)

(Nov 20 & 23, 2023)

Guru Nanak Institute of Management Studies (GNIMS) hosted a triumphant campus recruitment drive on November 20th, 2023, setting a new standard for connecting talented graduates with renowned industry players like IIFL Home Loans. Mr. Keval Gogri's insightful presentation ignited student interest, followed by rigorous interviews that identified six finalists for their technical prowess, problem-solving skills, and alignment with IIFL's values. GNIMS students' enthusiasm and financial acumen impressed the recruiters, solidifying the institute's commitment to nurturing industry-ready professionals. The drive, coordinated by Ms. Anitha Menon and her team, concluded with Dr. Satvinder Singh Bedi and Dr. Jasbir Kaur expressing gratitude to IIFL and reaffirming GNIMS' dedication to providing exceptional career opportunities for its students.