ISEC – Samavesh’s BIZEX: Taking Business to Next Level

January 12, 2019 @ 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

ISEC and Samavesh have created BIZEX at GNIMS (a platform to provide students first hand Exposure to the experiences of inspirational start-ups). Prof. Kiran Yadav welcomed all the speakers & guests by felicitating then and offering a token of appreciation for their engagement with ISEC-Samavesh’s BIZEX. Mr. Harish Iyer, a Serial Entrepreneur moderated the session. He introduced all the speakers and requested them to address the audience.

Guest Speakers seated for Panel Discussion (From left) Mr. Bhavesh Kothari, Mr. Ameet Chaudhary & Mr. Manan Doshi

Mr. Manan Doshi, who having completed his Masters in Chemical Engineering from USA had opted to join his family business stated by explaining his status as the 4th generation businessman of the family involved in chemical applications. The success story of their family business from an Import-Export trader to a Multiple Products Portfolio Business, inspired the students to consider family business as an option. Whilst only a few students showed interest in joining their family business, Mr. Doshi urged them to rethink. He explained the advantages & perquisites of entering family business after completing one’s education. He highlighted the merit of mentorship & guidance from elders in the family, the prerogative to make mistakes & learn from them, without fear of being sacked from the job. He also cautioned students that traditional family wisdom should not be challenged until one acquires a deep personal understanding of the business. Shallow recommendations can create conflicts & complicate relationship. Generation gap is only a myth that can be dealt with in time. He concluded his speech by a message and an advice to the students who had the opportunity of getting into their family business.

Family business is better because you get everything readymade – mentors, brand image & there is no need of marketing, just diversify! Visit your business for at least an hour each day to get an idea of how it is being run. ~ Mr. Manan Doshi

Mr. Manan Doshi addressing the audience about importance of family business

Mr. Amit Chaudhary, co-founder if e-laundry, having completed his graduation in Pharmacy and an MBA in Marketing from University of Pune, and having worked for a good MNC, is a 1st Generation Entrepreneur. His first assignment was to prepare a National Expansion Plan as the National Head of Distribution for the company. One and a half month of researching the product (Premium Wood Flooring) with the help of one employee at that MNC made him reach out to his inner potential. He thought that, “If I can do it for someone else, then why can’t I work for my own self.” This made him take that leap of faith to achieve his dream of starting up his own venture.

eLaundry is One Point Solution (OPS) for everything that you can think of to be washed and dry cleaned. We give truly on demand laundry service experience (at your convenient time at your doorstep) and same time being affordable”, said Mr. Chaudhary.

He told the students to research about the industry in which they want to get in by sharing his example of studying a research report from KPMG.

Prof. Kiran Yadav felicitating Mr. Ameet Chaudhary with a token of appreciation

The speaker that followed, adding to the momentum was Mr. Bhavesh Kothari – renowned for his comprehensive LinkedIn Profile and a person with versatile knowledge & degrees. After finishing his B.Sc. in Chemistry, he moved to achieve a degree in Event Management and later his 3rd degree as MBA in International Business. He believed these days there is a lot of confusion amongst the people, because the world is changing. We need to Stay Hungry & Foolish for knowledge from wherever we get a chance to acquire it. There is no Specialization as such; we need to master all trades or at least get some knowledge about them. His address to the students was focused on being a custodian of your own brand. He encouraged students to use platforms like LinkedIn and participate in programs to gain recognition in the industry and build your own brand image.

Connectivity & Networking is Important because Reference Business is the best way of doing business. Blog via your experiences to build your brand identity with the assistance of Digital Media, as we are into H-2-H (Human to Human) business! ~ Mr. Bhavesh Kothari

Prof. Kiran Yadav greeting Mr. Harish Iyer with a warm hug for showing appreciation

Moderator Mr. Harish Iyer exclaimed the importance of having a new business idea and taking it to the next level. He drew an accurate analogy of a cow grazing and later ruminating to explain the essence of thinking over business ideas. He further said that, “Taking Business to the Next Level is for survival of all.” Elaborating the need to stay focused while doing business, succession planning, building digital presence, project management, delegation of responsibilities and team building were addressed in the Q & A session which saw very enthusiastic participation from the students.

The final baffling question from a student – “What do you think would the next step be to take today, as a very few had predicted the onslaught of online 20 years ago?” Prof. Kiran Yadav in his final remark said that,

One needs to analyze their core-strengths and requirements to build upon it. The change is being drastic and the only solution is to be innovative to meet consumers dynamic demands. The Future is Collaboration, Adaptive & Innovative!

Students posing for a group photo with the Speakers & Faculties present

He told a small story on how an elderly gentleman carrying a lantern reached the pinnacle of a mountain top temple by taking small steps at a time, whilst a young lad slept through awaiting dawn for daylight to show him the hazardous path clearly.